Wednesday, July 1, 2009

railings yet to come...

'Phase Two' of our deck project is now completed!!! Just in time for a couple weekend BBQ's :) Many heads have turned as they drive by, being that it is a decent size and someone even stopped yesterday & asked John if he'd build a deck for him!

Ethan on the second level - there are three boards past the pillar and then it steps down to the next level (don't think you can see the difference from the photo)

The deck to date... there will be a phase three which will consist of a smaller level and stairs going down into the yard (we need to wait for the yard to be graded though and at least seven loads of 'dirt')

Abuela Darlene helping the boys make swords :) Uncle John helped them make airplanes the other day out of scrap lumber...

John finishing the edges

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I am so far behind on this blog of yours... your house is looking great! LOVE that big deck, and all the doors inside look beautiful!