Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Here are some pictures I took yesterday... the first floor and garage walls are up and the second floor is on... can't wait to see the next level of walls, roof and my wrap around porch! Fun fun :)

Looking through the basement window - here's what's done on the stairs so far

Garage... yep it's a nice size!

The house progress to date....

Inside - looking at my kitchen pantry and the office (the front door is at the far right)


Katie and Scott said...

Wow -- that garage is huge! Things are looking great - thanks for the update.

Louise said...

Well if a two person family has three bikes each.... and a six person family has three bikes each - that's 18 bikes so that's why we need a big garage :) haha! Just for the record, we will NEVER have that many bikes! We were out yesterday and the second floor is almost up :)